New Kyary Pamyu Pamyu release ‘Mondai Girl’ due in March


KYARY PAMYU PAMYU has a new single release scheduled for March this year titled ‘Mondai Girl’.

‘Mondai Girl’ will mark KPP’s 13th single release following on from 2014’s ‘Kira Kira Killer’. The tune, which roughly translates as ‘Problem Girl’, was again penned by Capsule’s Yasutaka Nakata and was composed specifically for the Fuji TV drama Mondai no Aru Restaurant.

The song is about inspiring women to let their true colours shine and not to worry about what other people might think. It also marks Kyary’s first time to sing a theme tune for a TV drama. Mondai no Aru Restauarant is due to premiere on 15th January.

The single release also features ‘My Room’ which was penned as the theme song for a CM for Chintai and also ‘KISEKAE’ used to promote the Nintendo 3DS.

‘Mondai Girl’ will feature 7 tracks in total, including instrumental versions of the above. The final track details are yet to be released. A special Limited Edition version will also include footage taken from KPP’s recent arena tour.

Source: natalie