The music of CLANNAD

The touching anime series Clannad presents a slice-of-life story that follows high school delinquent Tomoya Okazaki. As a troubled soul, Tomoya battles a fractious relationship with both his father and his school. But Tomoya’s life is about to radically change … Read More


Keep your calendar clear for Saturday 31st August as CAMCON returns – and J-Pop Go will be guesting at the event. CamCon is a multi-genre convention based in Cambridge which caters for all genres of fandom from Anime to Sci-Fi … Read More

HYPER JAPAN Music Highlights

HYPER JAPAN returns once again from this Friday. Combining both traditional and modern aspects of Japanese culture, HYPER JAPAN presents a weekend of exhibits, food, music, performances, culture, games and displays celebrating the best of Japan. Here’s some of the … Read More

BiS Kaidan

BiS make a noise… Keeping themselves busy, Brand-New Idol Society have embarked on a collaboration with Japanese noise outfit Hijokaidan. Noise outfit Hijokaidan emerged at the end of the 1970s coordinated by founder-member Jojo Hiroshige. The line-up frequently changed, although … Read More

5TH DIMENSION – Momoiro Clover Z

5TH DIMENSION marks the long-awaited follow-up album to Momoiro Clover Z’s 2011 album release Battle And Romance. As their first album is largely considered a classic of the J-Pop genre, how does their sophomore album shape up? As expected, 5TH … Read More

Introducing UNA

New Asobi artist debuts… It’s a good time for J-Pop with both classic bands and artists releasing new material as well as an emerging breed of the next generation of musical talents. Once again, outlets such as ASOBISYSTEM appear to … Read More

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