Our Favourite Olympics 2012 stories

The 2012 Olympics marked the biggest sports event of the year and saw London as the focus for the games. There were a few stories that caught J-Pop Go’s interest during the course of the event. From Kato Miliyah’s Coca-Cola … Read More

The Amecon Interviews

Amecon is the UK’s largest anime convention. Running since 2004, the weekend-long event features cosplay shows, panels, pub quizzes, parties, anime screenings, guests and more. This year’s Amecon saw a gathering of many of the people and DJs involved in … Read More

Adventures at AMECON

Amecon 2012 drew to a close last Sunday evening after 3 days of entertainment, stories, events and general mayhem. The event, which is the UK’s largest anime convention, is a fan-run event which has been running since 2004 featuring cosplay … Read More

AID FOR JAPAN charity update

Supporting the 2011 orphans A video of the progress the Aid For Japan charity is making for the 2011 Japanese tsunami orphans. Aid For Japan was set up to support and help the orphans of the 2011 Japanese Earthquake and … Read More

Catching up with KANON

News from the baroque pop princess… Gothic songstress KANON WAKESHIMA is certainly keeping herself occupied lately. Kanon will be taking part in the KITTYROBOT exhibition this month which is a charity event running from 12th to 19th August in Harajuku. … Read More

Idols, Anime & Reality

For most anime and manga fans, the Japanese concept of an idol won’t be an unfamiliar thing. From Super Dimensional Force Macross to this year’s Symphogear, idols have been represented in anime as charismatic pop stars with the ability to … Read More

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